Portal Blanket Progress

So far, so good! Although things have been extraordinarily hectic on the home front these days. I managed to crochet up all 39 pink squares for the Companion Cube Blanket and I’ve started working on the required grey squares, but it’s slow going with everything else stealing my attention away.

My goals for the weekend are simple, but it would be amazing to get all the ends tied in on the pink squares in between finishing all my homework. I also have a 10K run on Sunday, so I have no idea whether or not things will actually get done, but it’s worth a shot. Pictures of the the ever-growing-granny-square-stack to follow sometime in the near future.


Progress: 33/100

Progress: 33/100

2013-03-28 21.54.26

As promised, here are the progress pictures of my “10,000 Memories” blanket. Since taking these photos the other night, I have added two more complete rows and hope to finish row thirty-three this evening.

So far, I have joined 528/10,000 squares and it is already so heavy. I wish I had known that I’d wanted to enter it into the fair back when the weather was cold. Working on this baby in the heat is going to be awful, but showing it in May or June will make it all worthwhile.

The dark, wavy side is the back — please pardon all my tails! — and the front side just looks like a bunch of regular granny squares. It’s definitely my favorite piece that I’ve worked on in my twelve years of crocheting. I’m just not sure that I’ll ever want to make another masterpiece like this one in the future!



I don’t know if this will be my final round of tying in squares for this afghan, but that’s a lot of squares. I just finished adding another 500 to the pile, and even though the total quantity easily exceeds 2000 squares, the pile is not as big as I would have expected. I plan on having 4 more rows to the actual afghan tonight before I post pictures. Onward and upward!


Foto Friday: 499 Granny Squares

Foto Friday: 499 Granny Squares

They’re actually granny’s daughters (one-round granny squares), but there are still almost 500 tails to weave in on these bad boys before I can stitch them all together. So, nothing to show off today that’s finished, but 500 squares are 500 squares. Click for more info.